As often happens in birding, sometimes you get a perfectly
serviceable and identifiable view of a bird you’ve never seen before. This bird
is a lifer, beyond a shadow of a doubt, yet your views are far too fleeting and
you’re left with a tick on your life-list that is little more than a name. For
me, this bird was the Razorbill, an alcid that breeds in the northern
reaches of our hemisphere. I’ve seen several, but always a mile or so out in
the distant surf, little more than a speeding football with wings. This Sunday,
James and I headed to the southeast corner of the state to try for his lifer Razorbill,
with little more than a sliver of hope that his lifer photo would be
I’d always heard that Johnnie Mercer’s pier in Wrightsville
Beach was the place to go for these
so-called “flying penguins”, but every time I visit they’re nowhere to be
found. At least, I told myself, I could occupy my time trying to pick out the Pacific
Loon that was said to frequent the structure. We arrived at first light,
with the sun blazing over the horizon, and the flock of loons already far out
to sea and situated in the sun’s glare. I glanced away from my scope just long
enough to see a view I’d find increasingly frequent as the day wore on.

It was a Razorbill, less than ten feet away! James snapped his lifer photo but with a tip and a quick flap of
its wings, the bird dove far underwater. As I scoped around the ocean, I found Razorbills
everywhere I looked – some close, diving just off the pier, other dotted
amongst the loons, and still more flying past in long lines of southbound
birds. While we enjoyed their antics, the Razorbills dove and surfaced a
little too quickly for a decent picture, and James instead had to settle for his
second lifer that day – a tight flock of Black Scoter that buzzed the
end of the pier.
From there, we decided to visit Carolina
Beach Lake
to try and find the drake Long-tailed Duck that had been frequenting its shores.
Unfortunately, the lake was drained when we got there, its high waters giving
way to mudflats. Boat-tailed Grackles and White Ibis fed along
the mud, and our only consolation was this beautiful Tricolored Heron roosting
just offshore.
In a tree above the lake, I found this little Yellow-rumped
Warbler chipping in some of the lower hanging branches. These “butter-butts”
have to be the most common bird along coastal North
Carolina – it’s hard to go anywhere without hearing
their familiar call-note. If you can find a grove of wax myrtles, it’s not
uncommon to have a decent sized flock foraging on berries. This little guy
responded to my pishing, and decided to investigate, giving me great looks of
this surprisingly common bird.
So the lake was a bust. C’est la birding as James would say.
Our next stop was the old Civil War museum at Fort
Fisher, a great place to find some
otherwise hard to see birds. As we pulled up, I noted a tree that last time I
was a here housed a pair of Loggerhead Shrikes. I asked James to check
the tree as we drove past, and sure enough, a Loggerhead Shrike watched
his territory from atop a leafy throne.
I love shrike vocalizations – so metallic, like it shouldn’t
belong in nature. The bird flew from his perch to another just across the
street, which happened to be my go-to spot for another hard-to-see species: Sedge
Wren. In this random little section of Fort
Fisher where a mowed field abuts marsh
reeds, I can always get these secretive little birds to show up with a little
playback. Sure enough, this little guy decided to poke his head out and see
what was going on.
If you’re at the Civil War Museum, you’ve got to check out
the old gazebo across the street. A wall of gigantic rocks lines the beach
here, which for whatever reason make perfectly suitable habitat for several
sparrow species. Song Sparrows will flit in and out of the crevices, and
you’re hard pressed to walk past without hearing the reedy whistle of a Savannah
Sparrow. This particularly bright individual sat up on the rocks giving us
fantastic looks.
At high tide, waves crash against the protective rocks,
and many jetty-loving species that usually stay far out to sea will come in to
feed. Immediately, we found a small flock of Buffleheads, and a little
scoping revealed a pair of female Black Scoters quite close by. As I
looked up from my scope, I barely glimpsed that which I’d become so familiar
with earlier in the morning. James leapt onto the rocks to ready himself when the
bird surfaced. Sure enough…
Another Razorbill! This one swam calmly just off the
rocks and didn’t dive like the others had. Finally, after all the stories I’d
heard, I was able to view this species close up and for a good amount of time.
No longer will I remember Razorbills as that winged dot zooming across
the horizon. Now I’ll always think of that ‘flying penguin’ bobbing up and down
in the waves just off Fort Fisher.
It may have been on my life list already, but these were definitely my
life-views. My quasi-lifer.